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Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Leo: I do not wish to be a hero anymore.....I just want to be happy T^T

He basically had 3000 years of depression

Time. • 1 year ago

3000 years of depression and they were his only cure…

Kirito • 1 year ago

Depressed Leo just wants to die and save humanity but humans doesn't need him anymore

Esenpai • 1 year ago

I can't see how anyone can live 3000 years and not be depressed for the vast majority of it. I haven't managed that and I haven't even lived 30 years yet lol

Grandpa Lampshade • 1 year ago

Don't worry, it gets worse! LOL

InDeepTerror • 1 year ago

Well, that's a relief

Esenpai • 1 year ago

I'm sure lol

Montano • 1 year ago

It does get worse. Your body becomes... worn out. You can't exercise, grow fat. You see the younger generations become aliens. Things change so drastically you feel out of time. Women become Ciswomen. Men Cismen. Words lose their meaning. Bigotry never changes, not really. It just shifts from one issue to the next. Lies becomes a commodity used by the insane and the power-hungry to push forward agendas that are the opposite of their advertised goals. The older we turn we keep praying to imaginary friends, hoping the supernatural exists to stop the crazy of the mundane world or just to hold loved ones that have passed and are missed.

Yeah. It gets worse.

Glosty • 1 year ago

You nail it that’s how life is. :3

Evergo • 1 year ago

you forgot to mention that women and men became the heck they wanna cuz gender is no more, me for example nowadays I became a sheep in a while I'll be a bank, any deposits ?

Montano • 1 year ago

I think you're trying to make a coherent point. Sadly, I can't, for the life of me, understand what that message is. Could you make it clearer?

Vampressqueen Colvin • 1 year ago

Yup. I just turned 49. Life still fucking sux ! Getting older is no picnic either..... Sigh. 😟

Montano • 1 year ago

And the bigotry. It's like we're drowning in it. I've seen little 15-25 year old babies call experienced individuals terms like: Biblical, glacial, decrepit, ... and the terms become less polite. I've seen proud Black Lives Matter, Proud Boys, and Q-Anon young adults hurl age discrimination slurs with the same vitriol. The irony and hypocrisy of promoting racial, tribal, political equality/freedoms without curtailing their bigoted tendency toward age and experience is lost on them.

Vampressqueen Colvin • 1 year ago

Yup. Exactly 💯. 😑

LORD ALEXANDER • 1 year ago

idk bro..but if you have depression you don't do something right in your life..you can live 5000 years and don't feel a second of depression depends on you and only you..how you manage your on mental health..

UrBoy • 1 year ago

I mean.. the thing is, if you're immortal, you'll eventually get bored of everything you do. After you have experienced everything in the world it'll become boring, the life of the person would become something that isn't worth living for anymore. The reason why we live is only for happiness, boredom is the reason for happiness. Boredom gives us a reason to know what happiness is, but what would happen if we reach the max level of boredom? The happiness that you once felt would become boredom due to already doing the same thing over and over again. This Boredom would translates into depression. That just means that Living is meaningless in my opinion. Boredom is what gives us purpose in life, even if you're saying that you're doing it for someone else, it falls into the same concept. EDIT: Sorry for writing so much, hope you enjoyed reading it and give me a passing grade on the essay lmao.

Gherbi Med YaçiNe • 1 year ago

u deserve A+ lol

Rimiku • 1 year ago

Well yea sort of but not really take chess there is more combinations then there are atoms in the universe which is just one example. Now take 3d chess and that number multiplies a lot and that's just one game there is a theoretical infinite number of possible games with near infinite to infinite combinations in most of them. Sure life would be boring for most of it but you wouldn't always be bored. You could also just take the easy route and wipe most of your memories ever couple thousand years if you really want.

UrBoy • 1 year ago

You are not wrong, but if it were me I would not care for exploring the world after living a few thousand years. In the main characters case though, it seems that he is bounded/ limited to what he can do. He is coded to be a protector of humanity which limits him to have such freedom.

Rimiku • 1 year ago

i mean yea ig if you were in the mc's shoes it would be a pain(without spoilers) but as someone afraid of death i would be happy even in the mc's shoes

Teramir • 1 year ago

You Are your memories

Rimiku • 1 year ago

no you are not you are your consciences if you are your memories then your phone would also be you

Teramir • 1 year ago

Hmm. With 0 memory a human will be no different than a new-born animal tho. I refuse to believe thats me.

Rimiku • 1 year ago

Didn't say 0 memory I said most of your memory like the last thousand year

Klaxxi • 1 year ago

Its not just your memory tho since u cant remember everything that has happend while u r alive so some things that u cant remember shape how u act even ppl with complete memoryloss will do random things that they shouldnt be able to do but their body is shaped/adapted to it easiest way to explain it is to wipe all memory from a smoker and the smoker would still be addicted have bad lungs etc

Teramir • 1 year ago

True... I thought about this subject a little and the best way that i could find to explains this to myself was comparing a human a to computer.
Your brain is your CPU.
Your consciousness is your operating system.
And your memories are the data on your hard drive.
With no CPU (brain) you have no computing power to the point that even the PC (body) won't turn on. And even if somehow it managed to turn on, there's nothing there which your operating system (consciousness) could use to compute (think).
And on top of it all there is your hard drive (memory) which is a place that your operating system (consciousness) can mount on and your data (memories) can be saved.
Although there are some differenceses between a pc and a human. Like that our operating system (consciousness) can slowly change based on our data (memories) and physically changing brain structure.
Or that unlike a pc, in human body all these parts are physically situated in brain. But you get the point.

Dreamblade • 1 year ago

I think we are all immortal beings who keep wiping our own memories. In another 50 years or so I'll get to be a kid again.

Montano • 1 year ago

Ah, so jaded! :D
The secret of life is to Learn and to Love. Boredom results from a lack of imagination and motivation to experience new things. The greatest lie an immortal can say to themselves is "I've experienced everything so I'm bored." With the infinite number of skills, ideas, and the exponential growth of knowledge that exist, an ETERNAL wouldn't have enough time to experience every single new experience.

Typical BS boredom scene:
Lazy1 loafs on the couch: I'm so boooored.
Lazy2 smokes weed: Read a book.
Lazy1 groans: But that's boooring!

And end scene.

Is not that Lazy 1 can't find something to do. It's that Lazy1 can't be bothered. As if reading 1 book means they've somehow read them all.

Dreamblade • 1 year ago

The lack of energy is often from a bad diet, lack of sunlight, or (surprise, surprise) smoking weed (or some other drug, including prescriptions, coffee, sugar, etc).

Montano • 1 year ago

Hah! Touché. :D

KFA • 1 year ago

Depression is mental state that can be controlled like any other state, boredom included. You don't even have to live that long to gain control of your own mental wellbeing as your emotions become more "dull" naturally as you age (e.g as a child you cried, as adult you feel sad but likely wont cry as much as you did as a child). So if you lived long enough you'd likely become indifferent with your emotions and would rather ponder why the hell you exist in the first place, just to cope.

Klaxxi • 1 year ago

U say it as if we repeat the same thing over and over again like sure if u eat the same thing for a weak it gets bland to eat but if u mix the things u eat u do t get bored of eating u cant experience everything there is to do on earth atm even of u lived for 5k years and u will still miss stuff while trying to do stuff like sure u will see patterns with certain stuff and maybe get bored of that but overall u wont get depressed over just living if u r doing the right things in life and there is stuff like farming that is oretty repetetive yet still gives alot of satisfaction when it goes well with the harvest it aint much bit its honest work that can last a long time xD

Squirtle8459 • 1 year ago

Supposedly it takes 10,000 hours to master something.. if you choose to master everything that life has to offer, you wont necessarily get bored anytime soon.. There's enough content in the world on YouTube alone to last centuries.. Even if you are lazy and don't leave your house.. There's roughly 500 Hours of YouTube content uploaded every minute.. You'll be busy for a long time.. That is if you are willing to learn\watch everything.. If you are picky.. Your life could become quite meaningless very quickly. I for one assume that after about a millennia I'll probably want to die.. This dude over here alive for 3,000.. I could never do that.. unfathomable..

Yahya Bendahan • 1 year ago

well that why in some novel lot of immortel die by suicide or fight to dead

Esenpai • 1 year ago

Thank you for your 5000 years of wisdom.

Druid1 • 12 months ago

I could!

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Greatest suffering ever.

Teramir • 1 year ago

looks like death really does cure depression ay

vovan1 • 1 year ago

he was 3000 years horny, now he wishes to be happy

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

3000 years, not having nutted once, yeah real depression.

Testarossa • 1 year ago

Wow guess we got trolled by animators dragging the episode ffs we got Clif hanger last week too im not having this shit bro 💀

Wasa B • 1 year ago

Damn i cant take having depression for 5 years imagine 3000

YandereLover • 1 year ago

All these depression and he couldn't suicide even if he wants

MadMoXie • 1 year ago

All for this moment.

Mr • 1 year ago

One of the most popular comics of all time!😀😀:

sussy baka 🤨 • 1 year ago


Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

While it's predictable, it's still interesting seeing this situation unfold. Living for 3000 years while having someone or something dictates your way of life can easily twist one's mind. Poor Leo, if only he met with the Echidna and her army sooner (but that won't be interesting as a story anyway).

It will be more interesting if he's actually dead but, judging from the next episode's name, I highly doubt it. I will keep my finger crossed and see what will happen in the next episode.

Edit: Now we know that the DH series are named after the constellation.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

I'm fine with predictable as long as it is well done. I am about 80% sure I know how this is going to end, but next episode is still going to be one of my most anticipated final episodes this season. Yes, I've managed to hold off on reading the manga, and I will hold out for another week! xD

BniX • 1 year ago

It’s kind of sad when you think about Leo’s situation. Leo has been all alone for 3,000 years. With no one to hear him out when he despairs, that would drive anyone insane. Meanwhile, Echidna has trustworthy companions who are always by her side. That I think is the biggest advantage Echidna has over Leo.

AnimeVibesYT • 1 year ago

Its unthinkable how he one can hold 3000 years of memory in brain {talking if human did achieve immortality someday}
Its mc torture